Disinefecting Your Business
Posted on: 8 July 2020
COVID-19 is still a threat, especially in the United States. The state you live in could be seeing a spike in cases, or your state could have things under more control, but there's still a lot of fear and nervousness, even as cities begin to open back up for business and relax regulations. People are still getting sick. So it's extremely important to keep yourself, your employees, and your customers as safe as can be reasonably achieved.
There are many ways to do this. Many businesses are requiring masks not only of their staff but also for anybody else who walks into the building. This is because cloth masks are thought to prevent carriers of COVID-19 from spreading the virus quite so easily to others, so masks work best when everyone wears them. You'll also want to ensure that you have a staff that understands thorough hand washing procedures. Ensuring that your employees feel safe when calling in sick is also important — it's hard to run shifts when you're light on staff, but that's much preferable to being in the news for spreading COVID-19.
It also means keeping your business as clean as possible and using disinfectants that are known to eliminate COVID-19.
While you may be tempted to lean on your staff for this, it actually may be more beneficial to bring in an outside service. In the first place, it will help bring comfort and safety to your employees.
It may feel like you're spending money that you don't need to, but a lot of people are leaving their jobs because they don't feel safe returning to work. When you look at the training cost to replace just one employee (not including the time and energy spent looking for and interviewing new hires) you may see that spending that money is much more reasonable than you initially thought. Bringing in an outside service can make your employees feel like you really care about their safety and will help them trust in you, and therefore the business. The more your employees trust you and feel safe in your employ, the less stressed they will be at work and the more likely are to stay.
In addition, you won't have to train your staff on new cleaning techniques or how to use new cleaners, which will take your time and attention and energy.
Times are tough and confusing for everybody right now. So, please, stay safe and be careful.
To learn more about COVID-19 disinfection, reach out to a company like Tierra Environmental & Industrial Services.